Macbeth plays study.

Act 1 Scene 1=A battle has taken place and three witches plan to meet Macbeth. I believe from act 1 that Macbeth will turn to the witches for something and in the end, it will be the downfall of him. “fair is foul and foul is fair” is an oxymoron what is fair for man is foul for a witch and foul for man is fair for a witch.

Act 1 Scene 2= in the Scottish camp, King Duncan asks for a report of the battle. A wounded soldier tells how Macbeth had killed the rebel Macdonwald and then, with Banquo, had fought off an attack from the Norwegians who were allied with the rebels. Duncan, Malcolm, Captain, Lenox, Rosse are all characters from this act. I predict that the army will attempt to attack Macbeth and they’ll fail because he has help from the witches. “O, valiant cousin! worthy gentlemen” king Duncan is saying that he thinks of Macbeth as a family and is very close to him.

Act 1 Scene 3= “if chance will have me, king, why, chance may crown me, Without my stir”. this shows that Macbeth believes if he does nothing then he’ll still end up king where sometimes he might need to act on something to become a king.

Act 1 Scene 4= “let not light see my black and deep desires.” this text is meaning that Macbeth doesn’t want heaven or God looking at him or knowing what he’s thinking at this time of desire and envy. To get away with what he’s thinking about.

Act 1 scene 5= “unsex me here” this text is lady Macbeth saying that take away my gender so that I may act upon my dark desires and make my husband king. in an earlier part of this text, she states that Macbeth doesn’t have the killer instinct that he needs to become king, to kill the king. so lady Macbeth plans to convince her husband on why he needs to be killed and surpass the king.

Act 1 scene 6= Here King Duncan is staying the night at Macbeths castle and Lady Macbeth is being very nice to the king however last scene we found out that she wants the king dead, so with knowing that we know that Shakespeare is creating dramatic irony with just the words she speaks to Duncan. I believe that King Duncan will learn of this betrayal and ultimately end up beating Macbeth.

act 1 scene 7= in this scene Macbeth and lady Macbeth have an argument about killing the king, “Prithee, peace: I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none.” Macbeth says to lady Macbeth pointing out that he’s doing what a man would do and that she doesn’t know of that because she’s a lady.

Act 2 scene 1=In this scene Macbeth has a vision of a dagger which I think represents his guilt on killing the king, and how he’s tossing and turning about actually killing the king. but then he describes himself as a dark creature who is silent and stealthy.

Macbeth soliloquy= an example of a personification “mine eyes are made the fools o’ the other senses” this personification works as the eyes can’t fool other senses and to fool someone is usually a human trait.

Act 2 Scene 2= the blood from Duncan is on Macbeth’s hands. Macbeth says “all the oceans would turn red before I wash it off” I believe he is referring to guilt and how he could never forget how he had killed Duncan and that’ll haunt him for years to come.

Act 2 Scene 3= lennox finds the King dead and the guards were found to have blood all over them planted by lady Macbeth. “our royal master murder’d.”

Act 2 Scene 4= Macbeth has been announced as new king for Malcolm and donalbain have fled the city because they are scared that the people will believe that they killed their father for power and greed. leaving a vacancy for Macbeth to be king.

Act 3 scene 1= Macbeth is talking to banquo and Lady Macbeth. Macbeth tells the murderers that he has reasons for not killing banquo. “i could with bare face power sweep him from my sight and bid my will avouch it, yet i must not, whose loves i may not drop.” which means he wants to kill banquo but he can’t for he has shared loved ones in their lifes.

Act 3 scene 2= “o, full of scorpions in my mind.” this is showing how bad Macbeth’s mind has gone and how tortured his mind has gotten after his deed of killing the king.

Act 3 scene 3= in this scene Macbeth sends three murderers to kill banquo and fleance but only kills banquo so that means that the witches prophecy is still able to come true.

Act 3 scene 4= Macbeth has met with his friends and he sees banquo in his seat and he freaks out and his guilty conscious has caught up with him and he sees “ghosts”.

Act 3 scene 5= Hecate the god/goddess is the ruler of all witches and he’s annoyed at the witches for they mess with Macbeth without him. he talks about giving Macbeth immortality to taunt him and make him lose his mind.

Act 3 Scene 6= lennox and a lord have conspired against Macbeth and are planning on getting Macduff and Duncan’s son to come back and reclaim the throne because Scotland is starving and dying under Macbeth’s reign.

Act 4 Scene 1= a head of armor, a baby covered in blood, a child crowned with a tree in his hand. these three aparations are shown to Macbeth to show him the future and to prove that no matter what Macbeth’s sons will never be king.

Act 4 Scene 2= in this scene Macduff’s wife and son are warned about the murderers sent to kill them but not in time, the son has been killed and Macduff’s wife is assumed to be killed.

Act 4 Scene 3=macduff and Malcolm are conspiring to kill Macbeth for Scotland and for Macduffs family. “lets make us medicines of our great revenge” in this quote they are saying, let us feel better by getting revenge, hinting at killing Macbeth or his loved ones.

Act 5 scene 1= in this scene a servant and a doctor see that lady Macbeth is sleep walking and she incriminates herself by speaking of the murders that has happened. “whats done cannot be undone.” this speaks of the guilt she has and she can’t undo the deed of the murders.

Act 5 scene 2=opposing Scottish army approaches dunsinane. they talk about Macbeth being defeated.

Act 5 scene 3=Macbeth is ready to go into battle because he believes he won’t die until the birnam woods meet dunsinane and he tells the doctor to heal his wife of the guilt she possess’s “cure her of that: canst thou not minister to a mind diseased.”

Act 5 Scene 4=the English army are planning on covering themselves in leaves and sticks of birnam wood so that Macbeth’s army isn’t aware of the amount they have. and as the witches predicted that Macbeth may not be slain till birnam woods is at dunsinane. this means that Macbeth will die soon because the English army are covering themselves in the wood and leaves from birnam.

Act 5 scene 5= She should have died hereafter: there would be a time for such a word
tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow

reeps in this petty pace from day today
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Strike through= something important

Act 5 Scene 6=outside the castle leaders are talking bout how they will fight to the death to get rid of this tyrant. “Let us beaten, if we cannot fight”.

Act 5 Scene 7=young siward meets Macbeth and attempts to kill him, but in an unfortunate event, young Siward is slain.” brandished by man that’s of a woman born”. this is said after he is slain.

Act 5 scene 8=Macbeth is confronted by Macduff and is slain because Macduff was born via a c section not natural birth, meaning he was able to kill Macbeth. “Macduff was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped.” announced by Macduff

Act 5 Scene 9= Macbeth’s head was taken to be shown to Malcolm and then he is pronounced as the king of Scotland and hailed as such. “whose voices desire aloud with mine, Hail King of Scotland” said by Macduff.

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